Words on Words: Mrs. Perry’s class interview

3 mins read
Mrs. Perry's fifth grade class reviews books.

Just before summer vacation,  Mrs. Perry’s fifth grade class demonstrated their sensational book reviewing acumen. I decided to interview them at the school during our review debriefing session.

Kenny: So what advice do you have for authors authors who write in the first person and want to sound like a real kid?

Tommy: Don’t use a really big word that nobody can understand.

Amy: Think about what a kid would say.

Dylan: Think back to your childhood.

Colton: Talk to kids and ask them how they would say things.

Briana: Just watch kids.

Kenny: Great. Now name a book that doesn’t have a sequel but definitely needs one?

Joey: Scary School

Colton: Zombie Chasers!

General Class Agreement: Yeah, that was awesome!

Kenny: Thanks. Hey what Series book you’re waiting for the most right now?

Colton: Lost Heroes.

Amy: Kane Chronicles.

Dylan: Titanic Series.

River: Lost Heroes. I hope it get better though. Rick Riordan is definitely losing his touch .

General Class Agreement: Yeah he is. The Kane Chronicles isn’t as good as Percy Jackson. Yeah.

Kenny: Well then! Now If Mrs. Perry were teaching at Hogwarts what would her subject be?

General Class Agreement: She’d be the Headmistress. She could teach all the subjects!

Kenny: Absolutely! What’s a good plot for a book that hasn’t been done yet?

Amy: Kids are doing their own business and then something comes to life and jumps right out of the TV!

Comryn: A giraffe that becomes a person and lives a regular life.

What books should never be made into a movie because they would get it so wrong?

Tommy: The Mysterious Benedict Society.

River: The Mysterious Benedict Society.

Tommy: Captain Underpants  I mean it could be really good or really bad.

Kenny: Or Both.

Tommy: Yeah definitely.

River:They should never do the Mysterious Benedict Society It’s the best book ever and they would totally ruin it. I mean the plot is about how movies and television ruin you and take over your mind!

Kenny: Great point! Thanks everyone. Have a great summer!

Class: Thanks Kenny. We’ll see you at the store.

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