
Updated: Strong voters pass Site Plan Review Ordinance, elect new selectman

2 mins read
Residents at the Strong town meeting.
Residents at the Strong town meeting.

STRONG – More than 60 residents attended the annual town meeting today at Forster Memorial Building, increasing an allocation for the fire department’s equipment reserve and passing an updated ordinance regulating for wind turbines and other facilities.

Newly-elected selectmen Gerald “Mike” Pond and incumbent Selectman Milton Baston were sworn in before the mid-meeting recess. Pond was elected to the board with 124 votes, while Baston was reelected with 94 votes. Selectman Rupert Pratt received 89 votes.

“It’s no cause for distress,” Pratt said, joking: “It might be cause for celebration.”

Residents moved swiftly through the warrant, increasing an article setting aside funds for the fire department’s equipment reserve. Selectmen had recommended $10,000, but reelected Fire Chief Duayne Boyd requested $20,000, noting the going rate for a new truck was more than $300,000 and the town currently had $120,000 in the account.

“Surplus is very important,” Pratt said. “When we run out of surplus we have to borrow money. It costs money to borrow money.”

In the end, the town agreed on raising $20,000 through taxation (corrected).

The most contested article was Article 17, which sought to update the town’s Site Plan Review Ordinance. Among the changes discussed by voters was the inclusion of large industrial-type development from being built too close to residential areas. The old version of the ordinance didn’t differentiate between large and small developments and had a series of technical issues. (This has been updated to clarify.)

People were concerned that the updated ordinance would discourage wind tower development and other businesses. Supporters argued the change was necessary.

“It’s just so everyone knows the rules when they come to the table,” Planning Board Chairman Jeff Murphy said, “It’s minimal in its requirements compared to other ordinances in other towns.”

Residents voted to support the change to the ordinance.

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  1. Congratulations to Mike Pond. We have added a good and caring citizen to the Board.

  2. I hope the setback is sufficient to protect the townsfolk. The wind profiteers should not be allowed North of Kittery.

  3. Hilarious comments about “setbacks.” Clearly,those posting them don’t have the foggiest idea what they’re talking about. First of all, come to Farmington (or any Maine town) to look at our ordinances to learn what the term “setback” means. Second, Mike, Dawna, and Hart, do you actually go to your own local town meetings and read this stuff? Clearly not! So sad. Monday morning quarterbacks!

  4. Anything we can do to abolish the many damages of the wind industry, at all it’s levels destruction, must be sought for all of us and the Earth.

  5. congratulations to Mike Pond, Perhaps the town will settle down now and act like adults. the town needs someone with ethics to control all the he said, she said nonsense that has gone on too long. Strong is a lovely old town, and it would be a shame to fill it with windmills , look around and see the beauty of the town in all seasons. Good luck to the town and hopefully a cooperative board of selectmen.

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