Phillips town manager to resign, cites personal reasons

2 mins read

PHILLIPS – The town manager of two months that endured a municipal shutdown after voters refused to approve the budget has resigned.

Lynn White, a long time resident who became the town manager on June 18, will step down as soon as a replacement can be found. Advertisements for the position have appeared in several local papers.

White’s time in the town office was brief but turbulent. With barely two weeks on the job, Phillips residents shut down the town at a budget meeting, when they decided to not approve the LD1 article. Without that approval, the town would have been limited to a fraction of the funding they needed, and residents ended the meeting after the second article.

Town Manager Lynn White

The shutdown lasted from July 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year, to July 12. Then, voters overwhelmingly decided to reopen the town for business, at least partially thanks to a more in depth explanation of LD1. 

White remained focused on getting services to residents throughout the shutdown. He helped negotiate a deal with nearby Avon to get employees into the transfer station so it could reopen after a few days. White also volunteered his own time at the town office, fielding questions from worried residents.

He told selectmen two weeks ago that he is resigning due to personal family matters. White has promised to stay on until a replacement can be found but will be working reduced hours and do what he can to help, said Selectman Steve Charles.

Charles said “it’s a big loss. We’ve had a rough couple of years.” White has completed the paperwork on a road work bond that is set for public hearing on Aug. 26. At town meeting a number of residents stood to complain about the condition of the roads but approved the full appropriation request of the highway department.

“We’re really sorry to see him go,” Charles said. “He did a fantastic job.”

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