The biggest loser competition session begins July 30

4 mins read

FARMINGTON – “Lose to Win” Weight Loss Challenge will be starting again for a mid-summer, six-week weight loss challenge that begins at 6:30 p.m., July 30th. The program offers quick, easy weight loss solutions and long-term weight loss success including information on nutrition and exercise.

The April 9th, 12-week class has come to an end with awesome results. With over 235.6 lbs lost and over 174 inches gone off the frame! The group is looking great and feeling much better! Winner is Bette Robbins with 19.2 lbs & over 13 percent body weight lost. Second place goes to Maria McIntire with 24 lbs & over 12.7 percent body weight lost. Third place to Evan McIntire 20 lbs & 10.8 percent of body weight lost! Biggest Inch Loser was Carole Mosher with 22 inches gone off her frame!

Congratulations to all the participants who came faithfully every week and learned new things and implemented them to make some healthy changes in your life.

Change your life now by joining the next class!

We are looking for individual or couples! Teens can also join this challenge with your parents. In the current challenge we had people driving from as far away as Whitefield. When you’re serious about making some health and lifestyle changes this is the place to be for support.

Participants will weigh in each week and be measured in the beginning and at the end of the challenge. The top three losers, based on percentage of body weight lost, will be share the pot of money. In addition, there will be a prize for the person who loses the most inches.

There is a onetime fee of $99, which includes your choice of flavor of Formula 1 Healthy Meal and Energy fat burner tea. $25 goes into the pot to be shared by the three biggest losers. The more participants that join, the bigger the pot! We are looking for a minimum of 50 participants so the pot of money will be $1,250. You could be the winner!

During the six weeks, materials will be supplied and prizes will be awarded. The program encourages people to lose weight and inches by eating a healthy level of protein and calories each day. It also points out the benefits of good nutrition and exercise to achieve your desired health and weight loss goals.

The six-week course makes people feel accountable, but also meant to be a fun way to get in better shape. Everyone loves a little friendly competition!

Personal health and wellness coaches are using this format to educate the community about a better healthy, active lifestyle and to help fight the obesity epidemic in a fun environment. The six-week class is being offered at Vortex Nutrition Studio, 169 Front Street, Farmington.

Smoothie Bar will be open at 5:30 p.m. for those that would like to participate in the “Healthy Dinner” prior to the meeting. Register now and reserve your spot! Please go to to register, stop into club at 169 Front Street or call 207-779-1797.

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