
Phillips residents to vote on plow truck acquisition at town meeting

2 mins read

PHILLIPS – Voters will have a 56-article warrant to consider this weekend, as selectmen and the budget committee have prepared two, slightly-different $1.26 million budgets.

Both boards are recommending the purchase a new plow truck, to replace one of the existing 1991 trucks, for no more than $135,000. Article 19 asks residents if they want to enter into a lease/purchase agreement for a truck, sander, blow and wing, while approving Article 20 would set up a 10-year payment structure for the financed vehicle. The town would pay $16,850 the first year.

The board of selectmen’s recommended budget is set at $970,000, which is a $4,000 increase compared to the current budget. The budget committee’s recommendations set the new budget at $967,000, a $500 increase from the current budget. Those budgets do not take into account Phillips share of MSAD 58’s budget, set at last week’s vote. That share adds an additional $642,000 to the local budget.

The selectmen and budget committee members disagreed on program funding for three local community organizations. The selectmen recommend expending $500 to assist the local American Legion post, $2,500 for the Phillips Historical Society and $2,500 to help with the operating expenses of the community center. In order to receive help from the town, the three organizations would need to raise matching funds.

The budget committee voted to raise and appropriate nothing for the American Legion, $1,000 for the community center and $1,000 for the historical society. The committee agreed with the selectmen that the community center and society should raise matching funds.

The Phillips Historical Society had requested $5,000, while the Community Center had requested $10,000. The American Legion had requested $1,000.

Selectman Eric Kinney’s and School Board Director Mary Jane Thorndike’s seats will be open, with candidates nominated from the floor. The town clerk position, currently filled by Evelyn Wilbur, will also be filled.

The meeting begins at 9 a.m. at the Phillips Elementary School, on June 27.

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