
RSU 9 sets goal to reduce chronic absenteeism by 50%

3 mins read

FARMINGTON – At the RSU 9 Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday night, board members discussed the rising issue of chronic absenteeism and the various ways in which the district can work to combat it. The 2023-2024 focus area for the district is “Every Day In School Matters,” with a goal of reducing chronic absenteeism by 50% and improving each school’s overall daily attendance by 5% by spring 2026.

Principal of Academy Hill School and G.D. Cushing School Keith Acedo provided the board with an administrator report for both of the schools. Acedo reported that there is new playground equipment at Cushing School, and both outdoor pavilion structures have been completed. There is also an extended parking lot and gate at Cushing.

Acedo also reported that the average daily attendance (ADA) at Cushing has improved from 90.5 % in 2021-2022 to 92.03% in 2022-2023. At AHS, attendance has improved from 92.05% in 2021-2022 to 96.2% in 2022-2023.

Principal of Cape Cod Hill School Carol Kiesman also provided an administrator report and announced that CCHS is the recipient of a Community School Grant. The funds will be used to offer Before Care and After Care programs for families that need childcare services before and after school hours. The school will also be hosting a fall and spring dental clinic as well as school-year health and counseling services for students. The funds will also be used to expand the food, clothing, and book pantry.

Mt. Blue Middle School Principal James Black and Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Katie Duchesne also provided the board with an administrator report for the month of September. In their report, they stated that all of the teaching positions are currently filled for the 2023-2024 school year.

They have also added additional physical education classes and will be able to run the alternative learning program at MBMS this year, which services ten at-risk students in a more personalized setting. The attendance initiative “Strive for 5” is currently underway, which encourages students to only miss five or fewer days of school in an effort to improve overall attendance.

Alexander Creznic announced that he has submitted his official resignation to the board. Creznic stated that it was not an easy decision to make, but due to personal circumstances, he feels that he would be unable to dedicate an adequate amount of time to being on the board.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity that I’ve had so far to be a member of the board, and for the patience, understanding, and amicability of everybody here bringing me up to speed, and working with you all over the time that I’ve been here,” Creznic said.

This meeting was recorded by Mt. Blue TV and is available for viewing online at MtBlueTV.org

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