
Wilton select board approves Boston Post Cane nominee

2 mins read

WILTON – The Wilton Select Board met on Tuesday, April 23 at 6 p.m. Town Manager Maria Greeley reported that Wilton has received three applications for the town’s Boston Post Cane Award.

“Thank you for everyone who came forth and nominated individuals,” Greeley said. “We believe it’s pretty clear on who the recipient would be.”

The individual was not able to be present at the meeting but requested that the town come to her home to present her with the cane. “We’ll be doing that later this week,” Greeley said. The select board asked to be informed of the visit so that they can attend.

Greeley requested a motion to approve the nominee, Ferna Girardin. Such a motion was made by the board and passed unanimously.

The select board approved road closures for the Blueberry Festival this August. Selectman Keith Swett brought up concerns about the effectiveness of the closures. “The road closures are not stopping vehicles from coming down through or try to leave immediately after the fireworks are over,” he said. “Somehow, as a safety precaution, that has to be addressed.”

“Somebody is going to end up getting hurt,” Swett said.

Renee Woodard, the town’s Events Coordinator, agreed with his concern: “It’s something that police and fire have discussed, and we can work on it more with our plan this year, too.” She admitted that the only solution she could see would be to man each of the barricades to ensure no one moves them.

Swett made a motion to hire an outside agency to review the town’s cost for “anything cannabis-associated” to enable them to set their cannabis licensing and fees.

“I think it’s a great idea, and especially considering that the state can reimburse us up to $20,000 for these type of costs,” Chairwoman Tiffany Maiuri said. The motion passed unanimously and the board gave Greeley permission to research options and costs.

This meeting was recorded by Mt. Blue TV and is available for viewing online at MtBlueTV.org

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