Farmington Public Library held a sold-out Trivia Night fundraiser

2 mins read

FARMINGTON – The Farmington Public Library held a sold-out Trivia Night fundraiser at the Homestead on Thursday, February 29! The topics were Music, Pop Culture, and American History, which were suggested and picked by the attendees of the last trivia tournament. Since it was Leap Day, all questions had to do with something that occurred during a Leap Year. The variety of topics allowed each team to show off their prowess in different subjects.

First-place team Cheesy Does It: Anne Toothaker, Rick Toothaker, Tori Toothaker, Jess Oriente, and Dylan Toothaker

Our winning team was “Cheesy Does It,” beating the second-place team by only one point! They chose some handmade soaps and two free tickets to the next Trivia Night as their prize. Our second-place team took home FPL hats as a prize, and the third-place team, “California Dreamin,” got an FPL bag full of books.

Second-place team: Sara Bickford, Katie Van Houten, Josh Roeder, and James Turner

The next Trivia Night will be on Thursday, May 30th, at the Homestead. Tickets will be $5 and can be reserved/purchased by calling or stopping by the Farmington Public Library in May. The topic was chosen at the February Trivia Night by asking the crowd to suggest book titles as a potential topic. The winner was “On the Beach.” Although the topic is based on a book title, prepare for a wide variety of beach-themed questions! We hope you will join us for another evening of delicious food and trivia fun!

Third-place team California Dreamin’: Joan Romel, Ally Echevarria, Echo McDonough, and Andrew Harthan
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