Franklin County Patriots meet in Farmington

3 mins read

The Franklin County Patriots are an affiliate of both Maine Patriots and Maine Refounders. The meeting was held at the University of Maine Farmington on Tues. Oct. 12 in the Education Center and began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a Prayer.

A special guest, Phil Marletti, presented the contrast between the Democrat and Republican Platforms of 2010. Numerous instances of conflicts between the Democrat’s platform and the US and Maine Constitution were discussed in detail with many handouts. Phil could find no conflicts between the Constitution and The 2010 Republican Platform and a lively discussion began. John Frary and Lance Harvell who are very knowledgeable about US history and the Constitution brought up many interesting facts concerning Religious freedom and the development of the Constitution.

A discussion then began on the acquisition of land for State and Federal Parks and their “Buffer Zones” in Maine. Do we really want the confiscation of our land or do we want to keep it in Private hands?

Phil issued a special alert concerning Proposition 3 on the Nov. Ballot:

“This is an alert to all Patriots and interested citizens of Maine.

On November 2nd, you will be voting on 3 bond issues. My concern is Bond issue 3. It is my personal belief that this is connected to the Sustainable Development (Agenda 21) “Wildlands Project”. The way the Bond #3 is written, it does not specify what action really takes place. I will copy a section of the explanation as written in the Ballot Preview from Representative Jeffery Gifford of the town of Lincoln.

It reads as follows: This act would authorize the State to issue bonds in the amount not to exceed $9,750,000 to raise funds to invest in: the acquisition of land and interest in land for conservation, water access, outdoor recreation, wildlife and fish habitat, farmland preservation and working waterfront preservation. The bonds would run for a period not longer than 10 years from the date of issue and would be backed by the full faith and credit of the State.”

The upcoming Nov. 2 Ballot was then discussed in detail so that all attendees were aware of the special referendums, which have not been widely publicized.

Charley Webster then gave an update on this past Saturday’s literature drop in Livermore Falls. There were 8 participants, which included a member of the Franklin Co. Patriots and made quick work of the activity. Another Literature drop is being planned for this Saturday.

The next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 16. For updates, see the Event listing on the Daily Bulldog website or on the Maine Patriots website (

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