Letter to the Editor: An Affirmative Action Agenda

6 mins read

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are great sounding words. That is why they were chosen to represent the horrible goals of the progressive left and the democrat party of today. The moment anyone expresses opposition to such sweet-sounding rhetoric, out come the one-word labels designed to shut us up. Racist, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, or another descriptive negative is fired from the liberal playbook. It has been effective, but America is finally waking up.

Today we took another big step forward in eliminating DEI, the abhorrent, anti-American, affirmative action agenda off shoot on steroids. Harvard president Claudine Gay, one of the three female college presidents who stood before our Congress and refused to condemn the murder and genocide of the Jewish people, resigned. Ms. Gay, a black woman activist was obviously hired with the DEI agenda in mind. Was she fired because of the anti-Semitic views she expressed? Was she fired because of the ant-Semitic views she fostered with Harvard University? Was she fired because she was steering the Harvard University faculty and students over a cliff that put the phony DEI agenda over learning or teaching? Unfortunately, no. She “resigned” because the school could no longer publicly support a woman who plagiarized over fifty times in pursuit of her doctorate. Plagiarize means she presented the hard works of other people as her own. Her presidency, her hiring, and her DEI activism became an embarrassment to Harvard and major donors were pulling their support.

On the bright side, this woman is now gone. However, the darkness that has enveloped Harvard, formerly the world’s most renowned institution of learning, must still be eliminated. Harvard and all other schools must return to the cultural values that made us the greatest nation on earth. They must reject the concept of DEI and return once again to the belief that achievement in life and in education must honored, and that personal characteristic, like skin color, gender, religious beliefs, or sexual preferences, etc., should not be considerations. The same goes for major corporations in this Country and all other people centric entities.

Martin Luther King once sad that people should be judged by “the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” We need to honor Dr. King’s wisdom and his words. He knew that the path forward was personal responsibility, hard work, achievement, and a coming together within one great culture and one great Country. King knew that division was never the answer.

It is time for all of us to consider the lessons of division the progressive Leftist globalists have forced upon us. We need to come together again as one people, under God, with liberty and justice for all. We must get the DEI garbage out of our schools and once again honor competition and achievement in all aspects of life. Some of us are fast and win races. Some of us read books faster and better than others. Some of us are better cooks, plumbers, teachers, lawyers, or sales people that others.

We must understand again that there are God given differences between us all, and that all life outcomes cannot be the same. There will be some big winners in this life journey and many more who land in the middle. Those who win big must be magnanimous in victory. They must share their wealth willingly with those who tried and did not win or end up in the middle. It is not the role of government, or any political party, to guarantee the same result for all.

Folks, DEI must be eliminated from our democracy. True diversity cannot be forced. It is welcome as part of natural assimilation. Equity can never be achieved in a society of humans with different God given abilities and ambitions. As to inclusion, it was what this nation has been steadily working toward for over 250 years. We were making better progress than any major nation that ever existed. America is not a systemically racist nation. We are the best nation God ever created, and we must restore the path our forefathers promised in our Constitution.

Call you State Representative or Senator and let them know that you demand the right to freely live your life as best you can. Tell them you will only vote for candidates who promise to get government out of our lives, restore our personal choices, and unify our fractured culture. Then go to the polls and elect people who represent our American values. I give you my solemn word that I will do that if elected.

Joseph E Martin
Rumford Point, Maine
Maine State Senate Candidate District #19


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