Letter to the Editor: Give our town employees a break!

2 mins read

My comment is to the people who are complaining about the town employees not getting the snow cleaned up fast enough in town: Maybe they ought to get up in the middle of the night like these guys do, go in and work a 12- or 13-hour shift without even a break to get something to eat. These guys come home, eat, go to bed for a few hours and are right back at it for another 12 to 14 hours. Some of these guys got in 40+ hours in three days!

We live in Maine people, not Orlando, Florida. Give our town employees a break when we have a big storm like we did the other day. They are working as hard and as fast as they can; sorry if it is not fast enough for you. Sorry if there are large snow banks in town that need to be removed – it did snow for two days! It was near blizzard conditions; so sorry if you were inconvenienced for a few hours or even a day.

Some people just don’t have enough to do with their lives if they can’t be just a little understanding about the guys who work during these conditions. Let me guess, while they were sitting in their nice warm living rooms, they were on the phone complaining about the conditions of the town, while the guys were out trying to make our roads passable and couldn’t see 3 feet in front of them!

These people just need to get a life! Better yet, grab a shovel and help!

Cindy Cassidy
Farmington Falls

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