Letter to the Editor: Remembering Lac Megantic

2 mins read

Ten years ago, on July 6, 2013, in Farmington’s sister community of Lac Megantic, Quebec, 63 oil-carrying tank cars ran off the tracks in the middle of the night, exploded, destroyed the near totality of the downtown area and killed 47 people.

So massive was the firestorm that a call for assistance went out to fire departments throughout Quebec and Northern New England. Seven Franklin County departments responded: Chesterville, East Dixfield, Eustis, Farmington, Phillips, Rangeley, and Strong. Other fire crews came from as far away as Vermont and Montreal.

In addition to the immediate and brave response of Franklin County fire fighters, the people of our county raised funds to aid Lac Megantic residents and survivors of the disaster. Farmington hosted a major fund-raising event at UMF which Lac Megantic Mayor Claudette LaRoche and other city officials attended.

For those horrific hours and the sorrowful days that follows, the outpouring of assistance, courage, and love knew no barriers of border or language. All that mattered was that people – out for a summer evening, working in the late hours, or asleep in their homes – had lost their lives, or continued to be in harm’s way, or were suffering immensely in grief and loss.

A high sense of duty, boundless courage and generosity, and a recognition of our shared humanity with people everywhere, regardless of difference – may these serve as enduring legacies of the Lac Megantic disaster.

My heart goes out to the people of Lac Megantic and all those who in any way came to their aid.

Doug Dunlap
Farmington, Maine


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