Letter to the Editor: To the six legislators who struck down vaccine choice

6 mins read

Dear Hon. Sens. Mitchell, Bartlett and Marrache and Reps. Pingree, Piotti and Berry,

I am disturbed by your vote against Vaccine Choice and am taking the opportunity to explain why it is critical you reconsider your vote in the appeal of Rep. Thomas’ Bill to Prohibit Mandatory Vaccinations, on Nov. 5th.

The reasons this bill deserves deliberation include the answer to the ethical poignant question: “Who has the right to decide what is put into another person’s body against their wishes?” The answer to this, of course, is nobody; not a doctor, not the government; for to do so would be assault.

I am aware that Statute §6355 pertaining to enrollment in public school allows for approved exemptions for medical, religious or philosophical reasons. This knowledge is not because the enrollment forms for public school include Full Disclosure. If they did this Statute would be part of what parents receive upon enrolling their children. The enrollment forms only state that your child must be vaccinated. Full Disclosure is part of this conversation.

My concerns include current Maine Law Title 22 §820. This law states that upon declaration of an extreme public health emergency, “the department” has the powers to take a person into custody and order prescribed care. “The department” may act without a court order if “the department” has reasonable cause to believe that the person has been exposed to or is at significant medical risk of transmitting a communicable disease that poses a serious and imminent risk to public health and safety. Without a court order who approves the reasonable cause to take a person into custody? Where is the oversight? “Prescribed care” is not defined and thus could include quarantine, drugs and vaccinations.

When Governor Baldacci signed the Proclamation of Civil Emergency on Sept. 1st, 2009 did he trigger this Statute? What needs to occur for this Statute to be triggered? What are the definable reasons for declaring an “extreme public health emergency” and by doing so, remove any presumed right to decline vaccinations?

The WHO’s statement: “On the positive side, mass vaccination campaigns can generate significant safety data within a few weeks” is a clear admission of the experimental nature of the H1N1 vaccine and can be found along with reference to the fast tracking of these vaccines and the incomplete peer review process at this link: http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/notes/h1n1_safety_vaccines_20090805/en/index.html

US Code §46.116 Informed Consent, requires the people be protected from vaccination mandates. Presently we are not protected. With all due respect, protection based on reassurances by legislators, such as yourself, and Dora Mills, our Maine CDC director, are unconvincing and insubstantial within the aforementioned context and within the continued elaboration.

Governor Baldacci’s Proclamation (9/1) removes liability from those administering vaccines. This removal of liability combined with the Federal Governments enactment of The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (“PREP Act”) leaves those injured from vaccinations vulnerable and defenseless with no recourse except the arduous, burdensome and inadequate National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which is an ‘after the fact’ band-aid that has issued over a billion dollars to date.

The PREP ACT added new authorities under the Public Health Service (PHS) Act for the purpose of “alleviating concerns about liability related to the manufacture, testing, development, distribution, administration and use of countermeasures against … and pandemics.”

This liability shield removes incentives for proper testing for safety and efficacy from manufacturers, distributors, and program planners, and qualified persons who prescribe, administer, or dispense the vaccines. With zero repercussions for the results of products offered/mandated what can we logically expect the outcome to be? We are not talking about an improperly made pair of shoes. These are pharmaceuticals injected into our bloodstreams.

Massachusetts’ Senate passed a bill removing the rights of individuals to their health decisions and private property and threatening detention for non-compliance with any vaccination mandates.

New York Health Care Workers, mandated to receive the H1N1 vaccine, filed lawsuit against the State of NY. A temporary restraining order was issued by Judge McNamara in NY State Supreme Court.

New Jersey, the first state to mandate flu vaccinations, is experiencing palpitations from parents and citizens taking it to the streets in protest.

This bill is a reaction to what’s occurring outside the State of Maine in a proactive attempt to protect Maine citizens from such occurrences within the State of Maine.

Current events define this urgent matter; to be protected from invasive medical procedures against our will. This natural right of each individual can no longer be presumed, thus it is imperative to protect vaccine choice.

I respectfully urge you to exercise serious consideration and allow this bill, To Prohibit Mandatory Vaccinations, forward. I await your response to my concerns and your vote on November 5th.

Cynthia Rosen
Washington, Maine

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