
Residents decide against increasing term length for road commissioner

2 mins read

NEW SHARON – Residents attended a special town meeting Monday evening to discuss the term length of elected road commissioners and to appropriate money for a squad truck repair.

Generating the most significant discussion was Article 2, which read: “To see if the Town will vote to elect, at the next annual town meeting, a road commissioner to serve a term of three years.”

At the meeting, selectmen said that a job description for the road commissioner position is needed, whether for a 1-year term or a 3-year term.

“A 3-year plan brings continuity. That way they can know what work lies in front of them instead of going in blindfolded,” Selectman Russell Gardner said.

The town also has a laptop equipped with a new state-funded software to help prioritize the roads to see which needs work. The state offers courses on how to use the software, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be the road commissioner that uses it. “It should help develop the plan for the commissioner, whether a 3-year or 1-year,” Gardner said.

Others suggested that the road commissioner should be contracted, rather than simply elected.

“The only way to recall a road commissioner is if they committed a crime against then town,” town attorney Frank Underkuffler noted. “If you have an uncontracted, 3-year road commissioner, you’re stuck with them until their term is over.” He recommended separating the contract from the commissioner. “The manager is elected and the worker is contracted.”

Residents agreed that a job description and plan needed to be implemented before voting should take place on altering the lengths of terms. The town then voted to oppose Article 2.

The town also approved using roughly $3,200 from surplus to repair the squad truck turbo charger.

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  1. Karen, I agree with you. Mr. Pond is doing a fantastic job for the town of New Sharon. I can say that with first hand knowledge as the Town Treasurer and resident.

  2. they never should of split up summer and winter road commissioner, while one leaned on a post all summer, the other did everything in his power, was a wise decision to elect John as Summer Road Commissioner since he plows them in the winter, this summer we can really see some work being done, and it should of never be able to become a popularity contest to waste the town’s money on somebody who never held a shovel, John has a plan and is putting into action and slowly bringing our roads back

  3. I stopped just the other day along my road to personally Thank Mr. Pond for his efforts with regards to the Kimball Pond Road. My son Zachery will be calling him this evening to thank him as well. I was unaware of a town meeting regarding this matter otherwise I would have been there. John will need all the support he can get from this community to make any head way on improving New Sharon’s road conditions. He may have limited funds to work with, but if he can put a plan into action and target spend the funds we do have we will start to see progress. It may be slow, but all of our support will make it easier for him to do what we elected him to do. I agree with Mr. Powers the people we elect to represent our town shouldn’t be about their popularity, but about who will do the best job they can to help this community thrive. You get what you pay for when you elect otherwise. Good Luck John and thank you again for making my road a little safer for my son. We both greatly appreciate it!!

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