Letter to the Editor: Cast a vote for responsible government

2 mins read

We have lived with over thirty years of the State of Maine being controlled by Democrats in Augusta. This state has many negatives because of their direct actions through over regulations, over spending, over taxing, and unnecessary nanny laws; and even though they try to blame others, this broken down horse belongs to them and no one else. I’m not saying these folks aren’t nice, of course they are, it’s just that their philosophy has gone on for far too long with the same failing results of money being pulled from our pockets and our land taken and controlled by them through ordinances and rules as we are made to just “pay the taxes” while businesses are chased from the state. I’m ready for a state government that is working for me rather than me working to pay for it.

I am pleased that Tom Saviello is running for State Senate and Lance Harvell for State Representative for our region, both are very effective in Augusta and have gained deep respect from their peers as solution oriented individuals.

Russell Black, of Wilton, is another great candidate with the same type of honest and straightforwardness that we need in Augusta to help transform this state into a positive place to welcome businesses and make a decent living. I have found that Russell speaks directly to folks with no hidden agenda and is a concerned listener, and has always been well respected in his various positions of leadership over the years. He service area covers a wide range of towns from Avon, Strong, Phillips, Wilton and others, places he’s hunted and traveled and been an active community member over his long life in Franklin County.

Please help turn our state into a place you can be proud of with your vote for responsible government by casting it for these fine gentlemen.

Bill Crandall

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  1. Thanks Bill,

    All you hear from Democrats this election cycle (if they are even willing to say they are a Democrat) is personal attacks against their opponents, it really shows the true nature of their character and the fact that they have no accomplishments to brag about. I don’t doubt that some of them are nice people, but maybe they are running with the wrong crowd.

  2. Funny Hutch. I don’t see “Republican” on any of your candidates signs. Guess they’re not even willing to say they are Republicans. After reading the Maine Republican platform and hearing LePage eating his words one too many times, I guess I don’t blame them.

    …and thanks for using a capital “D” for Demcrat, twice in one sentence!

  3. dennis,

    since you are so in touch with the electorate, answer this, almost every poll and political analyst is predicting that the (r)epublicans take back at least the house of representatives and possibly even the senate, if you truly believe that that the democrats are doing such a great job, why is that so many of them are poised to lose their job this fall?

  4. Lets compare some facts. When Balladic took office Maine had the highest per capita tax rate in the country. We are now down to #16. During that time the Democrats in congress have shrunk the size of state government by 14%.
    Our most recent Republican president somehow managed to turn a $260 billion surplus left by a Democratic president, into a $400 billion deficit. We are in a recession caused primarily by Republican policies, such as an unnecessary trillion dollar war, tax breaks for the filthy rich, deregulation of the banking industry which lead to the near collapse of our economy causing the lose of millions of jobs and resulting in millions of foreclosures. The federal deficit has lead to huge cuts in aid to the states resulting in our own budget deficit.
    Why would anyone with a brain in their head want to go back to the extreme right wing policies that, without the stimulus package, would surely have lead us into another Great Depression?

    The dumbing down of American society as promoted by Fox news and expressed in the displays of utter ignorance by the so called tea party plays into the hands of the the super rich such as Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers. The rich leading the blind. Telling the mostly white middle aged male members that they have lost their country and now must take it back. What does that mean? Beck and Rush tell them all their woes are caused by that illegal alien, black Muslim living in the White House and their listeners believe them. So Murdoch’s mouthpiece gets them addicted to lies and hate so they tune in every night for their daily dose of manipulation. It’s sad they choose to believe these two millionaires whose objective is to see the failure of a presidency. Not very patriotic.
    Meanwhile the whole nation watched while Maine’s Republican candidate for governor lied and ran away from a legitimate question. But that’s a fact. Don’t let it get in the way of blindly voting for an embarrassment to the State of Maine because he is a Republican.

  5. If LePage is an embarrassment, then his replacing Baldacci, the incumbent embarrassment, is a no-change situation. If Paul is not an embarrassment, his election is a net win for everyone. Therefore, vote for LePage. Hopey changey.

    By the way, Greg, exactly how did Congress shrink the size of state government? Which state? Surely not Maine, where government is expanding like a virulent tumor. I ask because you have implied that you have a brain, all evidence to the contrary. Please enlighten us.

  6. That’s right Greg
    Thank you for reiterating the facts. This will fall on deaf ears as these sheep follow the angry rich into handing back power to The Man.

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