Letter to the Editor: Filing freedom of info on UMF president

2 mins read

The American Family Association of Maine is saddened to see the town of Farmington, home to the University of Maine at Farmington, allow a nude demonstration in a public park in the name of freedom and equal rights. We are particularly dismayed that the organizer of the march has a connection to the university.

Public nudity has long been the most objectionable feature of homosexual rights marches. Although the upcoming march is not being done in the name of “gay rights,” the university has an unfortunate connection to the homosexual rights movement through its contribution of money to support the annual awards banquet of the largest homosexual rights organization in Maine. On Tuesday, AFA of Maine filed a Maine Freedom of Access Request with the university so the public can learn the circumstances surrounding the donation of money to Equality Maine.

Mike Heath filed the Freedom of Access Request from the town of Mars Hill in Aroostook County. The original Mars Hill is well-known to Christians as the place where the Apostle Paul spoke to the pagan philosophers of ancient Athens, bringing them the message of the one true God. The parallels to our own day are obvious. Many still confuse sexual license, and indifference to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with true freedom and liberty.

The public is eager to know why tax money is used to support a cause they object to as a matter of religious principle. Such questions are all the more timely and relevant now that the town of Farmington is home to a march more typical of San Francisco than Maine.

The public is also curious why a former student at the university is allowed to act in a way that brings discredit to the university and the town of Farmington without any comment by the university. The silence by the university is tantamount to an endorsement of the march, and the public is owed an explanation.

Michael Heath
American Family Association of Maine
China, Maine

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  1. The town is allowing a topless demonstration because it is not illegal. In My opinion, distasteful but not illegal.

    I do not see why you are tying this to gay rights. I think you are grasping at straws.

    Also this event is not sponsored by UMF

  2. I don’t agree with the march, but I have to comment in defense of the town of Farmington and UMF. The organizer of the march is a student at UMF, not an employee. She is not acting as a representative or spokesperson for the university. The march is neither organized nor endorsed in any way by the university. Contrary to Mr. Heath’s assertion, it is not a nude march, it is a topless march, which is not illegal in the state of Maine. Ms. Simoneau is a private citizen and, as much as I disagree with what she’s doing, she is legally entitled to her both opinion and her actions in this case. As far as the town of Farmington “allowing” the march to take place, Farmington is deferring to the law of the State of Maine. The town may or may not choose to enact a local law addressing this issue, but at this point at time it is totally legal (although objectionable to many, including myself). UMF is a public institution and isn’t required to comment on the legal actions of its students; again, whether or not they agree is immaterial.

    It’s pretty unfortunate that I feel compelled to defend something that I don’t agree with simply because Mr. Heath has his own agenda that he’d also like to impose upon the rest of us. The only thing I’d like to see in Farmington less than the topless march is for the American Family Association (which certainly doesn’t represent MY family) to also show up. Let’s not make this any worse than it already is.

  3. It’s about time someone connected the dots to complete the picture. None of this happens in a vacuum. The silence from the justafiably scared business owners, the inactive town leaders, and the complicit University is deafening. Waiting to see what’s next.

  4. THE PUBLIC (as opposed to the AFA who claims to speak for the public), doesn’t seem to care about the issue. This is just a christian bully trying to shove their beliefs down our throats. We do not live in a theocracy.

  5. The public is also curious as to why everyone feels the need to bring Jesus Christ into every single argument as if he is some crutch for you to lean on or a figurehead for you defer to whenever someone holds an opinion that is the opposite of your own. I don’t necessarily know what the topless march is going to accomplish, especially considering that the very thing they are marching about is already permitted by Maine law. Obviously it’s not very popular but it is permitted nonetheless. However I do know that if Jesus were alive today, he would be a lot more concerned with people using his name and image to support their flimsy causes than he would be with women exercising their right to free expression.

    The public is also eager to find out where exactly you are getting this information that UMF is sponsoring the march. Just because they’re not publicly denouncing it does not mean that they are supporting. It means that they are staying out of just as the many fine businesses in downtown Farmington are choosing to do. Why? It could be for any number of reasons. It could be because openly objecting to something that is permitted by law and, realistically, hurts no one at all could be viewed as silly and a waste of time. It could be because speaking out against it would accomplish nothing and only serve to fuel the fire that started this in the first place. It could also be because they agree with their right to march. Regardless, UMF staying silent is not a declaration of support and they do not owe the public an explanation.

  6. Michael Heath uses anything he can to stir up frightened people who will then send him money. Equal rights for gays and lesbians is a favorite of his and he knows it will loosen the purse strings of even the poorest pensioner and keep him, Heath, living well.

    It’s easier than actually working for the money.

  7. First… it’s not a nude march… just topless. Second… I was unaware that viewing a large parade of bare chests is going to turn everyone gay. Is that true Mr. Heath? As a straight female in the UMF community, should I lay low on Friday so I don’t get turned by those sneaky homosexuals? Go figure, all these years I have avoided being turned gay because I have yet to witness a topless march. Good thing you have warned me. I will definitely stay in my apartment on Friday so I don’t fall victim to those that are using their bodies to coerce me into homosexuality. You are truly a hero.

  8. Hi Mike,

    I feel the way you do. The town leaders aren’t doing or saying a thing regarding the boobs. UMF officials are also pleading the 5th at this time.. They got away the their FLAG demonstation if you recall or if not go to UTUBE UMF FLAG and you can watch the disrespectful acts of the UMF leaders and their students. The only reason they get away with their derogatory acts is because they are a huge tax base for Farmington and their notoriety for supporting gays rights is their claim to diversity.

    l will be there Friday in a flag style bikini top. No, it’s not coming off for UMF officiala to walk on it, nor would it come off out of respect for public decency.

    I thought are government leaders especially the local ones were supposed to have courage to do the right thing for the public good. I wonder what President Obama would do.

    Respectfully, Heidi J. Marshall

  9. respectfully, heidi, i would request that you not disrespect our nation’s flag by wearing it as a brazier. people died for what that flag represents.

  10. Mr. Heath now that you have put in your 2 cents worth and passed ill judgement, could you touch base with the readers how you stand with the cover ups pertaining to sex abuse scandals involving clergymen and hundreds of boys? Have you ever spoken out against that kind of behavior?

  11. Heidi – So you mean to say that in the name of “public decency” you will be in downtown Farmington IN A BIKINI to protest this march? I’m confused. What is your point again? And the flag? Really? What does this march have to do with the flag?

    I’m not a big fan of this march either, but as we are all aware, it is not illegal. If your bikini proves your patriotism, then respect the laws of our nation. If you want to see a law enacted, call your representative in Augusta – that’s how our government – some would say the best in the world – works.

    Or, you and Michael Heath can just stay angry, take the bait, and divide our nation even further. Now that I think of it, I doubt Mike would even stand beside you as you to parade around town in a bikini.

  12. James Casey, The Public doesn’t seem to care about the march?? Are you serious?? Have you not been reading the posts?? The public seems to care a great deal about this march! Obviously you do, or you wouldn’t be posting about it so much.

    Jim A, I am so glad to have your insights on what Jesus would do if he were alive today. You seem to be such an authority here. BTW, those of us who actually try to live a Christian lifestyle (which is why we bring Jesus into every discussion) know that He IS still alive today.

    And Ann, I totally agree with you here. How sad to have to defend something you disagree with so much because someone gets it wrong.

  13. As for the comment about the PUBLIC not caring about this issue, it would appear to anyone who reads any of the articles that have been in the Daily Bulldog for the last two weeks that the public does care greatly about this issue. I have never seen so many comments about a single topic on this website. We live in a democracy–why doesn’t the town of Farmington put it to vote? Then the citizens of the town and not those from away would decide what kind of town they want their town to be known as. I read a comment in another place that said the rest of the state is laughing about this. It’s true, Farmington has become the laughingstock of the state over this issue. By the end of it, I’m afraid it’s going to be a lot more than our own state laughing. It’s a situation that is going to have to be addressed and not ignored. The deafening silence of the powers that be in the town cannot last much longer. Personally, I’m not for more laws and rules and regulations, but since there are those among us who are so amoral–(not admitting of moral distinctions or judgments; lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong)–there isn’t going to be any other way of fixing the problem. Up until this time, a general knowledge of what is right and proper in dealing with your fellow man has kept us from having to deal with this though we have no law in place that prohibits a woman to parade topless in public. With the constant barrage from all directions, the generations that are coming up through are losing a proper sense of right and wrong. They seek to liberate us from the morals that have “enslaved” us. Look around and see where it’s all getting us. If you don’t want this to become the norm, you’d better speak up and be counted. The surest way for this to become tolerated in our backyard is for those of us who don’t agree with it to sit by and do nothing. If we take the advice of those who tell us it will all go away if we just ignore it, we are going to be very, very sorry one day.

  14. jeebus doesn’t personally care if boobs swing free in farmtown. keep your fairytale god out of my government!! i am not afraid of black cats or the number 13 either.

  15. DFS, excellent post. These women really need to be pitied and prayed for. They are rejecting the grace and dignity of being a woman and debasing and degrading themselves to try to be one of the guys.

    I am wondering, if they truly want to fight for total equality, what their next issue will be. How about selective service? It seems to me if they truly believe in the total equality of the sexes, they should fight to make sure that young women along with young men have to register with selective service. If this is not much of an issue to them, then perhaps this march is not so much about equality, but about shock value and showing off.

  16. How is it all these people can show up at 1:00 PM on Friday?
    Don’t you all WORK for a living? Don’t you go to school?
    If I had Friday off and could go to this march- I’d find something better to do!

  17. Momof5Sons,

    James Casey is a highly educated person.

    I am beginning to believe the old adage. It is possible to be educated beyond your intelligence.

  18. I have to honestly say that I’ve gotten quite a kick out of the buzz on boobs. Call me a heathen or Gay lover and then immediately afterwards Mikey Heath can tell me I’m “going to hell” (Someone want to come up with a new phrase, that one has just lost its gusto). The “Gods honest truth” is that I just don’t care about a silly little march in this tiny litle town far away from the other millions of people in the country. I think that is the stance of a vast majority of people in the town, at the University and in the state in General. They just don’t care. So some girl wants to march for the right that we already have to bare our chests (men and women). I enjoy that particular right all summer long. I enjoy it when I am mowing the lawn, running around the town (to stay fit), playing basketball etc… But I am a man and it’s okay. When we are little kids it doesn’t matter but once those things (in theory) get all woman on us, SOUND THE ALARM! Now, there are definitely some men who go shirtless and even though I may feel they might want to put the shirt back on for the good of all man; what RIGHT do I have to deny them that simple little pleasure of a cool breeze on a sweaty bod? Luckily for the march it should be a decent day Friday or things could get very… nippy. The answer is until it is a law that women have to keep their upper body covered, we don’t have a right to deny anyone a bare chest, man or woman.

    I also think I remember previous comments on the original article saying that it was a vile temptation for men, and that little children would be scarred for life. Come on! Get real! If that is your man checkin out the topless march by shopping at Trantons when you live in Wilton, maybe you should have a chat with him aye?To truthful here, unless you have somehow managed to keep your child sheltered from TV, movies, magazines, cartoons and the internet by staying in your home 24/7, home schooling your children and never allowing them to go out into public, I’m sure they’ll be fine. What will happen if they go to college and you arn’t there to protect them anymore? Things much worse than a measley little march in “Downtown” Farmington, Maine would take place on a larger campus. Trust me, I’ve seen large schools and there are plenty of women with very little clothing there. Might as well be nude.

    But perhaps being good children who truly believe what their parents say without rebellion (what are they robots??), they go somewhere very conservative, or devote their lives to the church. Well I guess you’ve got me there, but that also is their or (likely) your choice. You don’t HAVE to look on Friday, you can look the other way. Stay home. There is a choice here folks. My guess, is that if you are downtown and do not HAVE to be there on Friday, you are there because you are curious or want to make a name for yourself one way or another.

    Next I’d like to tackle the whole religion thing as best I can, given my limited knowledge of such things “righteous.” GET OFF YOUR PEDESTAL! Look, I respect the fact that you are trying to spread the word of Jesus and God and all that “good” stuff. But honestly, not a damn person alive knows what in the world Jesus would think were he alive and spending his precious time for some reason in Farmington, Maine. You can make an educated guess depending on what literature you read and which side of THAT fence you are on. But no one really knows. Personally, if he really was all he is made out to be, he’d probably be saddened that he couldn’t help these poor misguided souls find the light and love of God almighty… poor heathens. So maybe we can stop trying to make these connections between bare chests and religion. I know you are probably thinking I’m a pagan practioner or some such thing as that is part of one of the definitions of a heathen, but I assure you I’m not. I just think that there are bigger things in this universe than a bunch of topless women walking down the street in my little town. Take care of your own Mikey old boy.

    Lastly (I swear), I beg you to cease trying to make a connection between this march and “gay rights.” Yes, it is true. There may in fact be a number of homosexuals residing at the University, working at the University and attending school at the University. Same is true of many schools, towns and communities in this state as well as a plethora of others. Sorry folks. There ARE gay people in this world and oddly enough, it doesn’t make them bad people and I hate to tell you this, it actually might blow your mind… THERE ALWAYS WILL BE HOMOSEXUALS and there ALWAYS WAS! They just feared for their own lives they kept it hidden away. They (Gay folks) can actually be bad people, but don’t get all excited just yet Mikey Boy. So too can those people who SAY they are “God Fearing” folks who turn out to be bad people stealing money from the very communities they are supposed to be serving in the name of the Lord. But from all my experiences, they are just people looking for love (I do know and or interact regularly with many homosexuals). What is funny and something I never thought about, was that often enough and just like many heterosexuals, they love, get their hearts broken, heal and find new love, weird isn’t it?

    So look folks, those who staunchly oppose the “march.” This thing is going to happen. It’s going to be a little odd seeing a bunch of free floating breasts, sure. Just like when the Friends of Jesus Christ used to rant and rave on the side walks as I walked home from the Fitness Center with no T-shirt on because it was chafing my sensitive little nipples, that was a little odd. Listen, the bottom line is that if you feel so strongly that you are offended by a little bare chest and feel that you are being violated, you don’t have to be downtown. At that point, it is a CHOICE. Just like it’s your choice to belong to any religion, group etc… IF for some reason you do HAVE to be downtown, just don’t look. I mean, I was just minding my own business driving downtown and I caught round one which was a total surprise. But I didn’t drive back and forth several times and I can still see out of my eyes. Sure she’s no super model and likely most of the supporters in her march arn’t either. To be honest, I think its admirable that these women are so comfortable with their boobies and bodies in general they want to reveal them regardless of the fact that they don’t all look like Tyra Banks in her prime (Boy wouldn’t that be nice… Sorry, mental Tangent) But that’s okay. I just won’t look if I happen to be downtown. And guess what folks, you don’t have to either.

    PS. If you want to be taken seriously when you comment, you should probably attempt to spell words correctly, use decent english etc… otherwise people probably won’t put much stock into what you post. That is just my personal thought. (Quick, now go back and find all my mistakes. I swear I wrote this in one sitting at my desk without looking up anything but a picture of Tyra Banks from a decade ago)

  19. Mr Heath:

    I am a member of the public,

    I am a teacher.

    I am married, with three children. We are all christians.

    You do not speak for me, my wife or my children.

    I have attended courses at several universities.

    Please do not use a small issue to sew additional hate into this world. You appear to have no tolerance for those unlike yourself.

    I would be pleased if you and the other member of the American Family Network of Maine could keep to a topic without attacking others. If you feel you must lead, lead by being a good example of a citizen, not by being an incendiary voice wherever there is a local issue.

    Separation of church and state was done for a reason.

    Accept it and move on.

  20. momof5sons and DFS,
    I stand by my comment. Yes, a small (very small, like maybe eight) group of religious and ultra conservatives have been ranting about how sinful and immoral this is in their belief, but if the public truly cared, there would be many more comments from many more people. Seeing a distinct lack of such comments, it can be deduced that the public either doesn’t care, or doesn’t care enough either way to comment. How easy is it for a few like minded people to contact each other to coordinate comments on a blog if they feel passionate about an issue? It is even easier when coordinated from the lofty pulpit of a conservative church. If Farmington were as conservative as you want to pretend they are, there would be many more comments and condemnations on this blog and many more people attending the conservative churches. By my count, the conservative religious crowd is far from representing THE PEOPLE as a whole in Franklin County, let alone Farmington. Now, I know that you will take this as a challenge to contact more conservatives to come proselytize on this blog. But the secret is out, it is all a coordinated effort by the radical religious conservatives. So, when we see ten more people suddenly start jumping into the fray, we will know that the calls have been made. You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

    Just a side note, there is no proof that any of those claiming to be offended are even living in Farmington, or Maine for that matter. They could easily be from anywhere in the world where the Internet is available.

  21. Equating a person who has a different set of moral values to a person who doesn’t care at all about “right and wrong” is offensive at best, and dangerous propaganda at worst. By the same token, assuming that someone with a more conservative world-view is a religious fundamentalist who wants to convert you by the sword just gets in the way of truly productive discussion and consensus-building.

    I would encourage both sides of this debate to be wary of that sort of cognitive dissonance.

  22. James,
    You are assuming that everyone in Farmington reads the Daily Bulldog and they would post if they cared. I’ll bet many people don’t even know that this site exists. I never came to this site until this issue came up. I do know that there are many people out there who feel strongly about this issue who don’t go to this site or could care less what comments are being left. They are busy planning counterprotests and petition gathering.

    Did anyone actually read Raw Dawg? Way too long to wade through.

  23. There are bigger fish to fry.
    I predict in 5 to 10 years top-less ladies will be commonplace and what difference will it make..really?

  24. If you look back in the comments, you will see that most of them refer to God or the Bible. They tend to preach. I don’t see it as a stretch to presume that the majority are religious fundamentalists. Plus, if you have ever been involved with such a group, you know how hard they work to achieve their goals. I cannot imagine that people who stand on the street corner proselytizing their conservative faith would just sit back and let such an opportunity go by without coordinating a response to try and stop it. But, then again, we are still not sure that these people posting are even from Farmington.

  25. More power to the people speaking out against this display. When you beat your swords into plows, you give up all your liberty. Obviously the liberal left have no swords left. They become the slaves. I laugh at all liberals. If you believe in this march then you are a slave to the o’s administration and beliefs and deserve what you get. Offending another person is not the way to go. I have noticed that liberals do not speak for themselves. They cannot bring a train of thought that is their own. Too bad, because we are losing some good people to the liberal land called fantasy.

  26. James Casey,

    Here we go again. I determine that I am not going to respond, but you make such incredible statements that I find myself compelled to write, again… You can accuse me of being a liar if you so choose, but before God I tell the truth, and I am certainly not very concerned about what you think of me. I have lived in the Farmington area all of my life. I am in my mid-30’s. I do not live in town, but I have spent tens of thousands of dollars there, probably more, since it is my primary town of business. My money is in Farmington banks, my kids were born at FMH, I attended SAD 9, and someone from my household is in town most days of the week. I live in Franklin county, therefore Farmington is my county seat. I have been avoiding downtown since this whole thing started. That means no trips to Reny’s or Tranten’s or any of the other places right in town that I normally would have made during the last month or so. I do attend a congregation in the area, but not one person in that congregation outside of my home knows that I am posting comments about this. There has been no coordinated effort that I have been involved with, though what others have done I cannot speak for. And if there has been, that is not a wrong thing. Encouraging citizens of Farmington and the surrounding towns to speak up for their convictions is not evil. There have been posts on this website from Adelle Shea and Paul Rapoport who hail from Canada, and these have been in support of your side of the issue, yet you imply that anyone who speaks up against it must be either a local who has been duped by their religion or someone from far away who is part of some organized plot to subvert the town of Farmington and then the world. I read some definitions this past year that really caused me to think. While I don’t have them in front of me, the gist of them was as follows: Conservative-those who try to conserve traditional values; liberal-those who try to liberate themselves from traditional values. I am a conservative through and through according to that definition. We have liberated ourselves from nearly every moral value that our country was founded on. It’s time to do a little conserving. (By the way, I don’t post this for James Casey, though I addressed it to him. No one is going to change his already convinced mind.)

    Thank God there are those out there to whom traditional values still mean something.

  27. James Casey, sorry to burst your bubble, but there are many, many people from Farmington (yes, as well as neighboring towns such as New Sharon, Wilton, and Chesterville etc., especially those whose kids attend school in Farmington) who object to this. And most of them object not because of “extreme” religious views but because we feel that it’s not something we want to see on the street in our community. Because we believe that just because something is legal doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s appropriate. We don’t want this to become the cultural norm. I have spoken to MANY residents and haven’t encountered anyone who thinks this march is a good idea. Most of us will just avoid the area on Friday, which is indeed unfortunate for local businesses. But also, most won’t post on any website. Sorry, your premise that because people don’t post they don’t care is just wrong.

  28. I agree with what Barbara said. I want to add that I am not religious, and as a matter of fact do not have an issue with gay marriage. Seeing a topless woman won’t turn me to stone, but it’s truly not something I want to see – I find it socially inappropriate and offensive. So I’m avoiding downtown altogether. Mother’s Day and one daughter’s birthday is next weekend, and unfortunately I won’t shop for gifts in Farmington as I usually do. I do not trust that the march will be the end of the exhibitions. I understand that it’s their right, and maybe no one cares where I shop. But in my opinion choices have been taken from me for no good reason, as they have for many people who also find it offensive. I do not think it’s going to become the norm, I think the whole idea of that is ridiculous.
    Have store owners welcomed topless women into their stores, does anyone know? I sure hope so, and I hope these college women have plenty of money to help keep businesses going while this plays out.

  29. Thank you RawDawg. Took me awhile to read it but I think you said it all. I agree it’s not going away so lets not make a big deal out of it. If the towns or state wants to start a law. Then so be it.

  30. Heheheheh, boobies……let’s talk ’em up. No press is bad press. Thanks Mr. Heath for keeping the march on the forefront of the news. It isn’t a big deal and no one would think it’s a big deal if you didn’t make a big deal out of it. Thanks for your support!

  31. Based upon the weather, I am guessing that the group of participants will not be as large today. There will be some who stand firm on their position while others do not. I am sure that the leader will be upfront and probably have a couple of good points. It is undetermined if there will be any other supporters there to assist the protesters in upholding their position. I certainly hope it is not a flop. :)

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