Letter to the Editor: Harvell is the voice we need in Augusta

2 mins read

Knowing the future economic crisis that myself and my generation face, it is refreshing that one of today’s leaders is aware of and working toward improving the seemingly inevitable condition. Lance Harvell knows the steps needed to perform the task at hand.

As this country has progressed, a trend has been evident. More money is used by the federal and state governments than taxes can fund. Where does the extra money come from? It can’t be simply printed by the treasury; that results in catastrophic inflation, not the solution to a problem. The money we need is borrowed from foreign nations. Thus the birth (and rapid growth) of national debt occurs.

The reason this figure is amplified nearly exponentially is due to years of reckless spending and an aging population. If current trends continue not only will Social Security be at great risk, but other existing safety nets and services will be heavily underfunded. Significant cuts have to be made now, or many programs that we need will be in jeopardy. If our current path is not corrected there will be a generational war for entitlments; this is not a want of my generation nor that of my parents.’

You would be hard pressed to find another politician that is as keen to the struggles of the hardworking people of Maine. Having worked with Lance and gotten to know him a great deal this summer, I can see that he truly understands how squandered tax money can be very aggravating in the eyes of the public. As a taxpayer of hard earned money himself, Lance will work to ensure that only the government programs and services that continue to receive funding will truly be in the best interest of the people.

Brad Dority

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  1. Well said……..i talked to a couple of big gov. liberals the other day ,and they said the debt this state has is overstated and will “work itself out”…………..Where do I get a pair of these glasses these people are looking thru……….???? Do they sell them at wal-mart?

  2. You have hit the nail on the head. No one, including Lance wants to make cut that effect people, but in order to have anything we have to cut or face the fact that there will be no programs. If we don’t start thinking about cuts and making some happen, we as a community will fold. If we start talking about raising property taxes by $600 or more for the declining school budget or raising the sales tax to maybe 7 percent we are still going to feel the pain. Eventually there will be tough choices to be made about cuts. Do we make cuts or force a family to loose their home because their can’t pay their taxes? These are future questions that will have to be answered and soon. I feel good that a neighbor like Lance will look out for my family. I feel good that Lance has to put on his boots on, like me and go to work everyday to support his family.

  3. Harvell’s campaign focus of a “War on Welfare” is misguided, callous, and wrong. Why not correctly demonize the Wall St. and militaristic nitwits who got us into this mess in the first place instead of the poor and old? All non-millionaires can please feel free to vote Republican and wonder why it’s so dark and warm and smells like the mill from your neck up. Clowns.
    P.S. This is not intended to be an endorsement of the Democratic Party. They’ve just sold out, not been inherently evil.
    Good night and good luck.

  4. Great plan seamus,….lets demonize business that built this country of ours, and the military that fought to protect us all. Then and we can all sit around and smoke cigarettes and wait for the welfare check to come in the mail and bitch about how unfair life is. Stop trying the “poor and old “gig…its so tired.Nobody has a problem helping out the legit poor or old. Its the healthy and LAZY people that needs attention.You are right about one thing, we dont need a war on welfare…we need to ELIMINATE IT. I ,for one am sick and tired of all the people I know that can work ,but instead take advantage of this idiotic nanny state of ours. Sitting in a taxpayer funded apartment,smoking $6 a pack cigarettes,waiting for the next welfare check to come in the mail, while the rest of us work our arses off.Everyone knows SOMEBODY who is taking advantage of welfare in this state because they can, not because they have to.If you say you dont know anyone who is, you must live in a cave. The fact is, like it or not, the well is going dry. You can wail and moan all you want, but in the end,welfare as we know it will have to be radically revamped.Hopefully it will be done by somebody useing better judgment than a person who thinks “demonizing the Wall St. and militaristic nitwits” is the answer. Wall st. and our military isnt perfect seamus, but I will take them any day, hide ,hooves,hair, horns, and all , over what any other country has. We live the the greatest country in the history of man,and is wasnt built by lazy people on welfare,whiners,moaners,groaners,nitwits,millionaires, or big gov. liberals. One more thing, I work in a mill and sometimes stink plenty, sometimes more than just from my head up……………who are you calling a clown?

  5. Let’s listen to the Governor of the great state and see who he supports…”the most vulnerable”.
    I know who those “most vulnerable” people are…they’re the people who get up every morning to go to a job they may or may not like so they can eat next week, pay their mortgage (or rent), pay their car insurance, to pay their taxes…ALL of the taxes.
    And to be perfectly frank with you, I’ve always been one of “the most vulnerable”. And know what? I’m pretty sick of it. And my back is getting pretty tired of carrying all the others.

  6. Our national debt increases at $100,000 every 3 seconds. It has passed $13.5 trillion (13,500,000,000,000). Our unfunded liabilities of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Government and military pensions, etc., are more enormous. I cannot find an exact number (I think it’s a moving target), but see estimates around $100 trillion. By the way, Social Security went into the red this year, taking in less than it spent. Don’t forget we the people, ie. taxpayers, have committed to bail out every bank and and other institutions through the FDIC.
    We have military bases and personnel stationed in 144 countries, while fighting 2 wars.
    Oh by the way, What is obamacare going to cost?
    Work hard, pay your taxes, many people depend on you!

  7. Lets see what our next governor has to support. We already Know better then to go with the Baldacci Politics. I say lets get more People working, Stop handing out $$ and taxing the hell out of us. No more “overnight” plans that take away our Freedom in this “Great State of Maine”.

  8. Did I just read that SEAMUS wants Maine’s legislators to regulate Wall Street, change Maine’s foreign policy and reduce the state’s defense budget?

    Well, thanks for that, Seamus. Made my afternoon.

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