Letter to the Editor: Let’s get going

3 mins read

Let it begin now.

Let’s have good, smart progressive government. Let’s have forward thinking select boards and school boards. Let’s have a strong Maine Legislature that can do the thankless task of passing tough state budgets in tough economic times.

Let’s get the bill to the floor that will actually raise the money, however hard it might be, to fund education at 55 percent at the state level. Whoever may win next Tuesday, let’s get going. Cut taxes here, raise taxes there. The money’s got to come from somewhere and unless we want our towns to continue to transfer their budget burdens onto the real estate tax, state government will have to squeeze the proverbial turnip somewhere to provide more funding for Maine schools. Our legislators and select boards have heard the cry of the property tax payers. Lets make it happen.

We could of course cut the programs that provide critical survival and health care programs for our most vulnerable neighbors to raise the money for schools. But let’s not forget the risk of unintended consequences. A cut to social programs is a savings on one hand, but it will take financial resources out of local economies and would likely put more pressure on local public assistance budgets.

Let’s find savings where we can but let’s not cut ourselves off at the knees. I’m reminded of a town where the people voted to keep the street lights on, even if it meant a net increase in the town budget. If we value our kids and our schools, which are the future and heart of our communities, let’s find a way to put money into the state budget that will pay the elusive 55 percent for education.

I haven’t heard anyone say they don’t want the state to pay the bill, but no one seems to have any great ideas on how to raise the money. Let’s start the discussion now, keep it going, and in the course of the next two years, we can battle through it. My vote in 2012 will go the the folks that make the most progress toward that end.

As for 2010, I’m with Ann Woloson and Yvette Robinson.

Robert Rogers
Farmington Falls Immigrant.

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  1. You got my attention in the 2nd paragraph with the word progressive. These days that word connotes the problem, not the solution.

    There’s nothing elusive about the 55% target. It’s been right out in plain sight ever since a blowhard legislature promised it more than 20 years ago. It has never once been achieved for two reasons. (1) Some other programs, not more important, just more immediate, arise to suck up lots of those dollars; and (2) our politicians can’t see past the next election and fully understand that the voters may send them packing if they (2a) cut funding to pet programs or (2b) raise taxes enough to hit the target.

    Let’s try 2a, since it’s never been tried before. 2b is worn out.

  2. Progressive? Bet that cost Yvette 50 votes. Cut taxes here and raise them there, squeeze the turnip?. Sure. A vote for Yvette or any dem is a vote for MORE taxes It’s what they do..When somebody writes that we need to raise money “however hard it might be” it means one thing. More taxes.Enough is enough.

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