Letter to the Editor: Support her with your vote

1 min read

To the editor; ANN WOLOSON, a candidate with distinction

In July my husband and I moved to North Carolina. However, our hearts remain in Franklin County and because of this, we maintain our connection with copies of the newspapers, calls from neighbors and friends and photos via the Internet.

Election time is here and I feel passionate about wanting the best possible representation in Augusta. The community doesn’t want a photo-op star or the politician with the most personal telephone calls. They want and need the person who is sensitive to everyone’s needs, is familiar with the issues of the day, and is able to be a team player while balancing the critical limitations of government with the requirements of its citizens. Ann Woloson has the knowledge, intelligence and ability to be a Senator Maine could seat with great pride. Support her with your vote.

Sheila Shaffer
Wake Forest, NC

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  1. Well it may be true that Tom seems to pop up multiple times in each issue of the area’s periodicals, that doesn’t mean he attends events strictly because he wants his mustache to be in front of the camera. He goes to events because he wants to. He enjoys the community aspect of his district. He doesn’t spend his time there looking for the camera, instead he integrates himself into the event and he certainly wouldn’t tell someone not to take his picture.

    I am not sure anyone can become “sensitive to everyone’s needs” without being among the people and easily accessible. I guess Ann must have a 6th sense of what the population of Phillips or Strong want.

    In the end, if the only way people can fault Tom is by saying he is to active or takes too many phone calls than I suppose he is in good shape.

  2. Well, said Mitchand Mitchell. I don’t think that Tom is out there in his community hoping that the right photographer comes along, sees him and puts him on the cover of Play Girl.

    Tom gets a lot of photo ops because he is everywhere. Serving his constituents in Augusta and in their communities.

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