Letter to the Editor: Think before you vote

2 mins read

To all those who will be voting this November, I want to remind you to think first.

If you mark a liberal candidate, you should be ready to give up your lifestyle as you know it. If you want a communist-style government, remember, Communism does not allow free speech, hippies or openly gay people. Remember that as you vote.

No more opinions will be allowed in this fine paper or any media actually. Look at Russia, do you see hippies or gay people? Do you read or hear anything of a free speech nature?

I am sorry for the gay people because they can’t change and will be persecuted. The hippies will just change their clothes and blend in. There will be no need for so many TV or newspaper reporters, because the government will be writing the script.

Unless you are of the ruling class, IE: the government, you will lose your liberties.

If you think I am too far off from how you believe, just stop and think about yourself and family should the government change to a communist state.

Your every move and thought will be watched and rationing will be the rule of the day. Think about it.

Go ahead and vote for the liberal and watch your day be ruined in a few years.

Ask yourself, why is the Obama civilian army in the health care bill? Who is the enemy here? Get used to a short haircut and remember to wear clothes that will not tip off the civilian army as to your free lifestyle or you will be visited. Why have a civilian army? Have you checked the bill to see that the hiring to man the civilian army will not have to abide by the current hiring standards?

I am not saying that republicans are any better. We already have two failures in the government. Collins and Snowe.

Just asking you to think before put pen to paper.

Bob Harper

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  1. wow… fear-monger much? this is delusional, irrational slobber. there are many good, valid, reality-based reasons not to vote for democrats. you haven’t offered any. by the way, there are both “hippies” and gay people in russia, which has been a representative democracy since 1993. mr. harper, i would respectfully ask that you take your own advice and think before you put your pen to paper. and maybe have your well tested.

  2. The letter is incoherent, but it is indicative of a rising level of frustration, here and all across the country. When the average politician, on either side, looks you right in the eye and says with a straight face “Don’t you worry about anything, we’ll take care of it for you”, it inspires deep incoherence, especially when you ask how these creeps can tolerate their own reflection in a mirror. Come to think on it, like vampires, they don’t cast a reflection, after acquiring a taste for the blood they’re sucking out of our country.

    Delusional? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

  3. The scary part is what this degree of certitude can lead to. People become convinced that they are so right that no act in support of their beliefs is wrong.

    I don’t think Bob would do anything crazy, but as Frostproof said, he’s not alone and we ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.

    And, with venal demagogues like Beck and Coulter as cheerleaders, it’s only a matter of time before Sinclair Lewis’ “It Can’t Happen Here,” happens here – all in the name of preserving liberty.

  4. Tony, don’t forget the other venal demagogues – the ones who work in the White House.

  5. Yes, Tony, that’s the essence of today’s bipartisanship. All sides compete in the veniality sweepstakes. At the end of the day (11/2) it’s still 50%+1 who decide who’s most venal.

  6. Mr. Harper will be voting for wingnut Le Page come November. Counter his nuttsyness with your vote for Libby Mitchell.

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