Letter to the Editor: Tom Saviello a trusted friend to Franklin County

2 mins read

I have known Tom Saviello for many years and it has been an honor to witness his love for this region and our state. The man is absolutely devoted to serving the people as best as he possibly can with every vote, debate and issue.

I worked at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for 10 years and while there I was very impressed by his ability and character as a member of the Fish and Wildlife Legislative Committee. But that good work pales in comparison to what I have witnessed while watching him serve his constituents on a more personal level.

He has been virtually “married to his district” in the time he has served us as our state representative. His tireless work and commitment to his district, its communities, and its homes and businesses has been inspiring. If one was to examine his schedule, he is always serving or representing our interests in some way or another, regardless if there is an election going or not. Sadly that is not always the case with our leaders in government.

Tom’s efforts are never an act or seem to be a “chore” to him, but a duty he embraces… to the people, I am certain he has felt privileged to serve.

Tom Saviello has done an impressive job in the Maine House of Representatives and deserves our vote to send him to the Senate next Tuesday.

Thank You,
Bill Pierce
New Vineyard

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1 Comment

  1. My father respected Tom even when he was a Democrat. That says a lot. Me? I’m writing in Rhonda for the fun of it, cause Tom will win in a landslide. Cheers!

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