Letter to the Editor: Understanding the person behind the grill

2 mins read

Over the summer we’ve enjoyed one barbecue after another. Whether camping, reunions, fundraisers, or simply on the back deck it was all the same – hot coals, cool drink, good food, and great times. But did you ever stop and think about the person behind the grill? You can learn a lot about an individual by how they grill. Is the grill kept clean? Are all utensils on hand? Is the grill at the proper temperature? Is the food flipped and cooked with care?

Well, over the past few years we’ve had the opportunity to grill with Tom Saviello during the Wilton Blueberry Festival and the MBHS Football Tailgate Fundraiser and get to know him even better. It is masterful to watch and assist. He prepares everything with detail; he ensures the food is cooked
just right; and the conversation is open, friendly, and engaging. Most importantly, he ensures the people he serves receive impeccable service.

Tom services our communities and people in similar fashion. He coaches children during baseball clinics, helps local businesses, recognizes military veterans, and actively assists local churches, schools and organizations. Ultimately, Tom cares about our needs and provides the best service he can.

So this fall, as you put your grills away, remember the person behind the grill. Remember and vote for Tom Saviello, an impressive and caring leader, who is the right choice to serve our needs in the Senate.

Kris & Mike Backus

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  1. Tom is the best darn political showman this area has seen in a long time. However the question is do you want a good cook representing you in Augusta or do you want a women who can get things done outside the kitchen.
    Sure. Tom knows how to make you happy at a public events but Ann Woloson ..knows how to work with both sides of the political spectrum to solve problems. Tom only knows how to change parties when the going gets tought. As a Vietnam vetrain I would rather have Ann fighting with me and for me than Tom.
    I ask you take a good look at both candidates real record and than vote for a women who will work for all of us in Augusta. That women is Ann Woloson.

  2. Why will Tom not address the Maine Republican Platform voted upon several months ago? How can he go from Democrat to Independent to Republican in such a short time and believe in his party’s platform?
    The Republican platform contains such caustic rhetoric that will never bring about unity in Augusta.
    A party’s platform is supposed to be what the party truly believes in and its political members believe in.
    Is this what you really believe, Tom?
    If the Republicans running for office won’t address openly the far-out rhetoric in the party platform-
    I will take my vote elsewhere.

  3. There are people out there who would like to call Tom a “show man”. They criticize him for being active in the communities that he serves. They say he is looking for photo ops.

    The only thing that Tom is looking for is the “Opportunity” to meet with the people that he serves. He shows us that he cares about who we are and what we are doing. He takes the time to talk to us. He asks us how we feel about the issues so that he can make the right decisions for us. I may not always agree but I respect the fact that he listens to everyone’s perspective before introducing a bill or casting a vote.

    He sends out emails and fliers, keeping us updated on what is going on. He is a communicator. Communication is a key factor to his success.

    I admire these qualities in Lance Harvel who is always featured in the Daily Bull Dog writing about the issues that effect us all and encouraging us to be active in the process.

    I cannot say anything bad about Ann Woloson, either. Why? Because to be honest, I couldn’t even tell you who she is and what she even looks like. I have never seen her in my community. I have never heard her talk. She has not integrated her self like Tom and Lance have.

    I know that it is socially responsible to know your candidate before you cast your ballot. I want the person who serves me in Augusta to roll up their sleeves and serve me in my community, as well. Not just show up for a debate or two during election time. How can you really know what we need in want if you don’t interact?

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