Letter to the Editor: Vote YES on 1

2 mins read

On Tuesday June 8, the voters of Maine have the opportunity to repeal the new Labor/Service tax by voting YES on 1.

This new law will essentially add or increase taxes on over 100 new items. From creating a new sales tax on automobile labor charges to increasing taxes on meals and lodging this new law will cost average Maine workers and increase their overall tax burden.

The infamous “Tax Reform Legislation” was sold as a plan to reduce our income taxes, by shifting taxes to a sales tax increase on a variety of new goods.

This new Labor/Service tax, Democrats argued will be revenue neutral based on what many of us believe to be a temporary decrease in Maine income taxes.

A temporary decrease in our income taxes and a permanent increase and expansion of our sales tax.
Your “YES on 1” vote will stop the new sales taxes on Maine’s working and low income Mainer’s. At a time when most of us acknowledge that we are among the highest taxed in the nation, adding new taxes on Maine people, during these tough economic times is unconscionable.

Based on the confusing wording of the referendum, Maine voters will be once again faced with a misleading referendum question.

Let me simply state, for those who share my view against the new sales taxes on labor charges regarding auto, snowmobile, and lawn mower repairs, please vote YES on 1 to reject these new taxes.

For those who are equally concerned with the loss of interest deductions from your mortgage, property taxes, and health care costs, please join with me to vote YES on 1 to reject these new taxes.

Our tax level here in Maine is already among the highest in the nation. Adding additional sales taxes on everything in sight is in my opinion poor public policy.

On a final note Tuesday June 8 is Primary election day. I am hopeful that Independents as well as Democrats and Republicans, will take the time to go to the polls and vote on this important tax policy.

Your support of YES on 1 would be much appreciated.

Charles Webster

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  1. Yes on 1 . No ridiculous new taxes!! Glad it made it’s way to the voters. Tiered of things being put in overnight!!!

  2. It certainly seems as though Mr. Webster should have identified himself as the state Republican Party Chairman, which he is, in his letter.

    The new income tax rate law reads “A tax is imposed for each taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2010 on the Maine taxable income of every resident individual of this State at the rate of 6.5%.” In what sense is this “temporary?”

  3. I have seen people defending this tax as a “tourist tax.” Give me a break. How many tourists come to Maine to get their cars repaired, or make mortgage payments? This move by the Democrats is an insult to our intelligence. (Then again, they do keep getting elected.)

  4. Thanks Mr. Webster for informing Maine voters on this important “Tax Reform Legislation” issue. Your honesty is much appreciated. “Confusing wording” is a favorite tactic used by lawmakers and lawyers, as well as another overused tactic, ” Misleading.” Two of the many unethical ingredients our leaders use to create their majical potion of haze so their dirty hands can reach deeper into our pockets. It is well known that many State and Federal Government officials normally conduct their political business in this fashion. A YES vote on 1 is very important on June 8. Augusta and Washington need to stop spending our money so recklessly. They act like kids in a candy store. It is clearly burdensome for the American people.

  5. CG, I surmise that Mr. Webster’s use of the word “temporary ” is based on history. The 35 years the Democrats have ruled us tells close observers that little is permanent in Augusta, and there is an abiding love of more and more tax money in the legislature. I bet that the existing law, which the new law replaces, in no way indicated, when it was enacted, that it was temporary either, and yet if one votes “NO” on question #1 it will be!

    It is alleged that the increase in hotel and meals taxes are aimed at tourists. There is something wrong with that. I spent a couple of days in Portland last week. The hotel parking lot was filled to capacity with Maine registered cars. I reckon that most meals served in Maine at Maine restaurants are sold to Mainers. After all, we live here all the time!

    The one hundred and two new sales taxes are astounding in scope and variety. Hire a jugler—pay the tax. Hire someone to butcher your moose—pay the tax. Go for a scenic air plane ride—-pay the tax. Go to the movies or a carnival—-pay the tax. Have your poodle trimmed, washed, and fluff dried—-pay the tax. Have your computer repaired—-pay the tax. Have your car repaired—-pay the tax. BUT go golfing or hire a lawyer—-pay no tax at all. Go Figure. {I wonder, are most of the legislators golfers and ln need of legal help?}

  6. Another clumsy attempt by the Democrats in the state house to “overhaul” the tax code. These people have been in power for 30 plus years and are the reason we are in this financial tar pit. I have to laugh when I see quotes from somebody like libby mitchell, go something like this……. “i have the “experience and the “knowledge” to bring the state out of the troubled times we are in. Who do these people think they are fooling? What knowledge? The only experience she has is in raising taxes and bigger government.These lifelong politicians are the very reason we are in this bind. THEY are the problem. If “experience and knowledge” got us where we are now, heck , lets put somebody in office with no experience ….they could hardly do worse than the ones there now. I cant wait to see how many big government dems and peanut butter spined repubs, like the ones who voted with the dems for our new railroad, get thrown out of office in this next election.. November, is coming soon,…it’s gonna be a great “fall”. :)

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