Letter to the Editor: We deserve better

1 min read

I’m tired of slaps on the back and glad-handing at every public gathering.
I’m tired of the same face pushing itself to the center of pictures and grandstanding at every event.
I’m tired of having to check out everything I’m told, and finding too often it does not add up. Stop telling me what you think I want to hear.
I’m tired of back-room dealing and secrets.
I’m tired that my representative’s name became synonymous with questionable ethics throughout Maine…but not in his own district. Why?
I’m tired of business interests demanding a front seat and corporations getting a free ride.

We deserve better.
I am relieved there is an intelligent, caring, sincere, honest, highly experienced alternative…a quiet woman with integrity who cares more about issues than about personal image.
I will vote for Ann Woloson for State Senate. Please join me.

Alan Morse

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  1. I’m tired of slaps on the back and glad-handing at every public gathering.

    Avoid public gatherings of Democrats.

    I’m tired of the same face pushing itself to the center of pictures and grandstanding at every event.

    See point #1.

    I’m tired of having to check out everything I’m told, and finding too often it does not add up. Stop telling me what you think I want to hear.

    Stop reading only the platform of the Maine Democrat Party.

    I’m tired of back-room dealing and secrets.

    See point #2 above.

    I’m tired that my representative’s name became synonymous with questionable ethics throughout Maine…but not in his own district. Why?

    Translation from Democrat-speak: He doesn’t do what the elite tell him to do.

    I’m tired of business interests demanding a front seat and corporations getting a free ride.

    Name one business in Franklin County that’s getting a free ride – or even a front seat.

    I’m monumentally tired of Democrats who have tried, and to a large extent succeeded, in hijacking the adjectives: intelligent, caring, sincere, honest, and highly experienced. They put us here and, yes indeed, we deserve better.

  2. I’m tired of slaps on the back and glad-handing at every public gathering.

    Avoid public gatherings consisting solely of frostproof.

    I’m tired of the same face pushing itself to the center of pictures and grandstanding at every event.

    Avoid threads on which frostproof posts.

    I’m tired of having to check out everything I’m told, and finding too often it does not add up.

    Don’t read any of frostproof’s monumentally tiresome comments.

    Yes indeed, we do deserve better on these threads (see points #1-3 above).

  3. Please explain the “questionable ethics” you speak of. I think you’re blowing smoke, as liberals do.

  4. Also, avoid assigning any value to posts like #2 and #3, as they don’t say a thing about the points in the OP. Such commenters evidently believe they’re on a quota system and that even content-free notes count.

    Actually, Hugo, I’m exhilarated. Just over two weeks to go.

  5. Also, avoid the self-deluding gist of post #6, in which the writer suggests that his frothy breathlessness has a higher level of content than the comments of those who time and again expose his cognitive processes as underdeveloped.
    If anyone were to benefit from the quota system bugbear, certainly it would be he.

  6. It’s Bush’s, Harvell’s, and Frostproof’s fault, now. Ahhh, I get it. That’s the ticket!

    I’m interested to hear how Ann feels about Obamacare (which she was unclear as to weather she supports it or not on her website, but I would guess that she leans towards supporting it from how I read it, but could be wrong) and the stimulus and what is her plan for welfare in Maine.

    If she’s reading this, or if someone reading can let her know, maybe she can post some definitive statements here and help voters be more informed of her stand on at least a few of these issues.

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