Letter to the Editor: Yearning for G.W. Bush

1 min read

I think this is a valid summarizing of Obama’s current policy on Afghanistan: close your eyes, plug your ears, and sing “LA LA LA!” (Of course, Obama would have to keep his eyes open so he can read “la la la” off his teleprompter.)

When it comes to Afghanistan, Obama is simply doing what he has done for the majority of his career – voting “present.” That is simply not acceptable.

I would like to think Obama is committed to victory and to our troops, but the reality seems to be that the only things he is committed to are his healthcare reform agenda, along with many golf outings and parties at the White House. How about enacting some preventive health care, by either reinforcing the troops or pulling them out? I’m starting to not care either way, as long as something is done.

Obama has caused me to do something I never thought possible – yearn for the days of George W. Bush, where something like this never would have happened. There’s a reason 75 percent of our armed forces did not vote for the man. They knew what they were getting. America now is starting to realize what they have, I just wish they had realized this a lot earlier.

Will Martin
Livermore Falls

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