Politics & Other Mistakes: Walking on a rainbow

7 mins read

Al Diamon

It’s the message most Democratic legislative candidates don’t want to find on their voicemail:

“Hi, it’s Libby Mitchell. I’ll be in your area next week and thought it would be really great if we could campaign together. You know, knock on some doors, visit some businesses, make the rounds of the nursing homes to spread the word about how wonderful everything in Maine is gonna be when I’m governor.”

In response to that sort of request from the Dem gubernatorial nominee, there are only a few sensible options. Such as:

“Voicemail from Libby? No, I didn’t get any voicemail from Libby.”

“My house is quarantined because I have Ebola virus.”

“Gee, I’d love to, but I already promised I’d go campaigning with Eliot Cutler.”

According to a poll released last week by Rasmussen Reports (motto: More Accurate Than the Average Maine Budget Projection), Mitchell has the support of just over half of voters who identified themselves as Democrats. But 48 percent of Dems say they either aren’t supporting her or are undecided. By comparison, 78 percent of Republicans say they’re voting for GOP nominee Paul LePage.

Of course, winning an election in this state doesn’t necessarily require deep backing from either political party, since a sizable plurality of the electorate is independent. So, how did Rasmussen find Mitchell is doing with that crucial group?

Eighteen percent.

Compared to 41 percent for LePage.

And 16 percent for Cutler, an independent.

This isn’t about name recognition. Mitchell has been in public office for decades, has served as speaker of the Maine House, president of the state Senate, director of the Maine Housing Authority, and has run for U.S. Senate and House.

This isn’t about resume. Mitchell has more experience in state government than either LePage (mayor of Waterville or someplace) or Cutler (helped Ed Muskie lose his bid for president, helped Jimmy Carter get kicked out of office after one term, lived in China where he made lots of money).

This is about message. LePage is angry. Cutler is grumpy (and condescending). Mitchell comes off as detached from reality in a way that indicates a serious addiction to drugs that cause undue optimism.
At a forum in Machias in May, she was asked about the continuing shortfalls in the state budget, estimated to total a billion dollars or more in the next two-year cycle.

“[T]here are bright rays of hope,” she said.

If you’re a Democratic legislative candidate, do you really want to introduce your friends, neighbors and supporters to a loon who says stuff like that? Don’t you worry that will have some negative impact on your own credibility? Does that explain why you’re hiding in the basement on the day Mitchell is supposed to campaign with you?

Last spring, the Portland Phoenix summed up Mitchell’s view of the economy thusly: “Maine’s problems are due more to the national/international recession than management in Augusta.”

That’s like saying the house fire was due more to the dryness of the wood than the arsonist who dumped gasoline on the back porch.

Mitchell lives, works, eats, sleeps and breathes in a bubble. There’s no room for gloom and doom in her tidy little domain. She’s surrounded by state workers, bureaucrats and Dem politicos who’ve been using the same tired happy-days-are-here-again slogans since the Roosevelt administration.

“I think the voters share our party’s vision of hope,” Mitchell told the Portland Press Herald in June. “I think the message that Maine is about to fall off the end of the earth is not one that is resonating with Maine people.”

It isn’t? Then why is LePage leading you by eight points? Why are Democratic legislators defecting to Cutler? Why does your campaign have no traction anywhere outside of your state Senate district in the Augusta area and among the die-hard liberals in Portland (the ones who still can’t figure out why same-sex marriage didn’t win)?

Maybe it’s because Mitchell keeps saying stuff like this comment (from an impromptu speech she gave at the opening of the Democrats’ campaign office in Bangor): “I honestly believe that Maine is coming out of this recession much stronger because of the hard decisions and the tough decisions that we had to make.”

Most legislative candidates have to interact with normal people everyday. They know this rose-colored-glasses vision of the Maine economy is crap. They know their constituents aren’t going to buy claims that it’s all going to be OK. They know the voters don’t want to hear improbable flights of fancy, such as Mitchell’s claim on her website that, “Together, we have made great strides to modernize our economy.”

So, when the message light starts blinking on their phones, Democratic legislators start working on their excuses, most of which are loose translations of something like this:

“I’d like to help you out, Libby, but my instinct for self-preservation just kicked in, and it won’t let me.”
Pessimistic comments may be e-mailed to aldiamon@herniahill.net.

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  1. Wow, Al Diamond just figured out that Libby is the biggest loon in this election! Congrats Al, the light must be blinding!

  2. You can do better Al. As soon as LePage decided to run anyone with a brainstem thought he would win ,beating anyone he ran against, at least I did. His story is just too good ,as are his results. I am sure they will try to dig up some dirt on him,good luck with that. Some will point out he is not perfect,more good luck,he would agree. Mitchell is a old school, worn out ,big gov liberal who’s political lifespan has come, and gone. Lepage and others elected this fall will have to come in and clean up the mess the dems have created in the last 30 years. Look, The fact is, this mess we are in happened under the dems watch. They own it. Had the states condition been reversed and we had a billion dollar surplus instead of a billion dollar hole, they would be up on the podium spouting how smart they where, and how they needed to stay in power. Much like Obama and Biden are trying to take credit for the surge working in Iraq,which they all where against, but hey, let them have the credit,they are at the helm, so they can have it. Personally, I could care less who gets the credit for good results, as long as there are good results. We all see the results the party in power these last many years, has put this state in , they are facts, not opinions. The Mitchells, Martins,Pingree’s,Michaud’s, and Baldacci’s need to get thrown out.And maybe Snow and Collins too. I bet gov. John is glad he has to go and cant wait to get out of the state house before the horse plop hits the turbine this next budget cycle. It aint gonna be pretty, but then again, cleaning up a mess never is. LePage will give all others running against him a butt- whoopin in the polls we have not seen in a long,long time. Just my opinion mind you. Go LePage.

  3. Al has excoriated Cutler and Mitchell in back-to-back columns. I wonder what he has up his sleeve for Paul?

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