
Strong library’s Tails and Tales Reading Program is accepting sign ups now

It's not too late to sign up for this summer's Tails and Tales Reading Program with the Forster Memorial Library in Strong. We are accepting sign-ups until the middle of July and the program runs until Aug. 21. Prizes include Giffords, gift certificates to local bookstores, Subway, and the chance to win one of two bikes! Any level of reader below the age of 18 is welcome. Contact the librarian with any questions: or (207) 684-4003.

Music at the Gazebo

Meetinghouse Park,Downtown

The Farmington Gazebo in Meetinghouse Park will be the site of four summer concerts by area youth. Sponsored by ArtsFarmington, these mini concerts will be every Wednesday in July starting at 7pm. There will be no admission charge but donations will be welcomed. On July 21 Rachel Spear will be playing guitar and singing. For more information check the website Any questions call 778-9437.
